Database List: W
Web of Science
The Web of Science is today's premier research platform, helping you quickly find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. You get integrated access to high quality literature through a unified platform that links a wide variety of content with one seamless search.
World of Learning
The Europa World of Learning Online is an authoritative source of information on the international scholarly and academic world, including college, universities, libraries, archives, museums, research institutes, learned societies, and art galleries. Information includes address, telephone, web site, year founded.
WorldCat lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.
This database provides fast and convenient access to the dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. Many of these are available electronically, at no charge, directly from the publishing institution.
- Database Trials -
Trial demonstrations of fee-based subscription services under consideration.