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Physical Therapy

Resource Guide for Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy Databases
Finding Health Statistics Tutorial
Do you need - 
  • A numerical statistic or fact, such as prevalence rates, mortality rates, or other health indicators?
  • A complete data set for independent analysis?
  • A chart or figure?

Section 4 of this NIH/National Library of Medicine tutorial on health statistics has an excellent list of resources and tips on how to use them: 
Finding and Using Health Statistics
Physical Therapy Database Tutorials
Searching Basics
Below is information on how to create strategies to search health sciences databases using keywords, Boolean operators, quotation marks, truncation, and subject headings.

Keywords are automatically included with citations in a database. They are provided by authors immediately upon article submission, help you find the latest literature, and can be matched to all parts of a citation, such as the article title and abstract. However, you must know the keywords the authors used to match them in your search strategy.

Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) are used to combine your search terms.
  • AND: Use between different terms. Combining search terms with AND will make the search more targeted.
  • OR: Use between similar terms. Combining search terms with OR will expand the search.
  • NOTUse NOT to exclude a term in a search strategy.

Phrase searching (with " ") encloses a fixed series of words within quotation marks to search for those words together and in that order.

Truncation is the use of an asterisk (*) to search for different word endings.

Library Resources & Training Videos

Access training videos on Calder Library resources and services, as well as basic and advanced searching techniques, citation management, literature reviews and research study design.
Advanced Research Database Applications
PubMed Tutorials from the National Library of Medicine
What is in PubMed? (5:56)

PubMed: Find Articles on a Topic (0:44)

PubMed Subject Search: How it Works (4:05)

PubMed: Using the Advanced Search Builder (3:17) 

PubMed Proximity Searching (4:06) 
PubMed: Save Searches and Set Email Alerts (2:27)

How to create your MyNCBI Account 
CINAHL Video Tutorials
Note: EBSCO recently updated the interface for their databases, including CINAHL. All the principles and tips in videos 1 - 5 still apply, but the buttons, labels, and locations of the features shown in video 6 may have changed. An updated video will be posted soon. In the meantime, contact us if you need assistance at 

CINAHL Video 1: Introduction (1:25)

CINAHL Video 2: PICO (1:40)

CINAHL Video 3: Developing and Combining Terms (4:46)

CINAHL Video 4: Putting It Together (2:27)

CINAHL Video 5: Subject Headings (3:52)

CINAHL Video 6: Searching in CINAHL (7:50)
What is a Citation Manager?
A citation manager is a software tool that helps you organize and manage your research sources, including journal articles, books, and other references. Citation managers can help you:
  • Collect: Import files and organize them into a personal library
  • Organize: Create an organization system, attach PDFs, and add notes to references
  • Cite: Create citations from your library as you write and insert them directly into your documents
  • Share: Collaborate with others on manuscript writing and share your resources with others 
Citation managers are especially useful when writing long papers that require the use of many sources, like dissertations or capstone papers. They can also help you save time by allowing you to easily switch between citation styles and generate a formatted bibliography at the end of your document.
Citation Management Tools


EndNote is a reference management software, available for download from UMIT.


Refworks is a web-hosted service. No software download is necessary.


Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
EndNote Class Recording
Citation Styles & Resources
There are many citation styles used for writing and publishing. For more information on some of the more commonly used citation styles, click on the following link: Citation Styles.
Citation Management Guides
For more information on how to use citation management software see the guides below:
Learning, Research, and Clinical Information Services (LRCIS)
Department Spotlight: Technical Services
Department Spotlight: Data and Visualization Services
Department Spotlight: Library Services
Department Spotlight: Biomedical Communications
Department Spotlight: Library Administration