Writing Case Reports
Medical Writing
The Writing Center Grant Writing SupportUSMLE
USMLE Practice ExamsMentoring Resources
Mentoring Online ResourcesData Management
UM Research Data ServicesOpen Access Journals
Internal Medicine
Resident Orientations
Jackson Hospital Resident Orientation UM Regional Campuses Resident Orientation- Provide a convenient listing of essential resources services used in clinical practice and research.
- Help users access these essential resources through the Calder Library.
You may navigate this guide by using the links on the Table of Contents at the left or by using the Tabs on top of each page.
BMJ Case Reports Institutional Fellowship
Calder Library has an Instituional Fellowship to BMJ Case Reports allowing you to submit manuscripts without having to pay an individual fee.
Please contact the Reference & Education Department at 305-243-6648 or reference@med.miami.edu for the fellowship code and visit the BMJ website to learn more about the editorial process.
uSearch provides access to:
Electronic Resources: Find articles, book chapters, books, and more (uSearch-Electronic Resources)
Everything: Find all electronic and print resources in all UM libraries (uSearch-Everything)
Library Catalog: Find print books and more at the Medical Libraries and all UM Libraries! (uSearch-Library Catalog)
Try it now!
The e-Books Database is designed to provide quick and easy access to the online book collection.
Miller School of Medicine
Calder Library
Department of Learning, Research, and Clinical Information Services
- Email: reference@miami.edu
- Phone: 305-243-6648
- Ask a Librarian: http://calder.med.miami.edu/librarianask.html
The initial CARE tools are the CARE checklist and the Case Report Writing Templates; tools that support the writing of case reports and provide data that informs clinical practice guidelines and provides early signals of effectiveness, harms, and cost.
Green BN, Johnson CD (2006). How to write a case report for publication. J Chriop Med, 5(2): 72-82
Hentz VR (2013). Making the case for case reports: open and shut, or case dismissed? J Hand Surg Am, 38(3): 433-3.
McCarthy L (2000). How to write a case report. Family Medicine. 32(3): 190-195.
Rison RA (2013). A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. J Med Case Rep, 7: 239.
Medicine is an open access journal, providing authors with a distinctive new service offering continuous publication of original research across a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines and sub-specialties.
American Journal of Case Reports is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes single and series case reports in all medical fields.
The Journal of General Internal Medicine is the official journal of the Society of General Internal Medicine. Its articles focus on topics such as clinical medicine, epidemiology, prevention, health care delivery, curriculum development, and numerous other non-traditional themes, in addition to classic clinical research on problems in internal medicine.
The American Journal of Medicine - "The Green Journal" - publishes original clinical research of interest to physicians in internal medicine, both in academia and community-based practice.
JANE– Journal/Author Name Estimator
Just enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the search box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'. Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in Medline to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.
SJFinder– Scientific Journal Finder
Find the right journals for your unpublished article based on paper title and abstract.
Elsevier® Journal Finder
Simply insert your title and abstract and the Elsevier® Journal Finder helps you find journals that could be best suited for publishing your scientific article. (Coverage: Elsevier Journals.)
DOAJ contains 9000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
PLoS publishes several well-established open access, peer-reviewed journals in the sciences including PLOS Biology, PLOS One, and PLOS Pathogens.
BioMed Central
BioMed Central Ltd., an independent publisher in London, England, provides free access to biology and medicine journal articles, current reports, and meeting abstracts. BioMed Central offers information about current controlled trials, as well as topics in modern biology.
- Free one-one-one assistance with projects, papers, case reports, articles for publication, and other types of scientific & medical writing at any stage of the writing process.
- Serves the entire UM community – undergraduate & graduate students, faculty, and staff.
- Now available online
Specialized appointments for faculty and researchers, email jsjohnson@miami.edu
Huth, Edward J. Writing and Publishing in Medicine. Third ed. 1999. Print.
Browner, Warren S., Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research. Second ed. 2006. Web.
Matthews, J., Bowen, J., & Matthews, Robert W. (2000). Successful scientific writing : A step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences (Second ed.).
A collection of online & audio practice cases. (Requires registration for an individual account for full access.)
USMLE Collection
McGraw-Hill Education eBook Library Medical & USMLE® Test Prep study aids.
- All residents interested in research or in careers as a physician scientist are encouraged to seek a mentor from the faculty who actively researches their area of interest.
- Residents interested in subspecialty fellowship trainings are encouraged to select a mentor among the faculty in that field.
- Under-represented minority residents are encouraged to contact the faculty of the Office of Belonging and Inclusive Excellence at diversityoffice@med.miami.edu for advice and mentorship.
- Scholarship@Miami
Search UM researcher profiles and research units on the on the University of Miami's scholarly respository, Scholarship@Miami, to identify researcher expertise and potential collaborators across disciplines.
- Carey EC, Weissman DE. Understanding and finding mentorship: a review for junior faculty. J Palliative Med. 2010;13(11):1373-1379.
- Cho CS, Ramanan RA, Feldman MD. Defining the ideal qualities of mentorship: a qualitative analysis of the characteristics of outstanding mentors. Am J Med. 2011;124(5):453-458.
- Cruz M, Bhatia D, Calaman S, Dickinson B, et al. The mentee-driven approach to mentoring relationships and career success: benefits for mentors and mentees. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2015;11:10201.
- Walvoord E, Hobson-Rohrer W, Bogdewic S. Getting promoted: turning your clinical work into scholarship. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2014;10:9694.
- Zerzan JT, Hess R, Schur E, Phillips RS, Rigotti N. Making the most of mentors: a guide for mentees. Acad Med. 2009;84(1):140-144.
- SPSS - SPSS is a statistical software program for conducting analysis that also offers a convenient user interface for generating charts and graphs.
Software available through the UM IT Software portal.
Training available through Lynda.com
- REDCap - An application that allows users to build and manage online surveys and databases quickly and securely.
- Qualtrics - A cloud based web survey tool designed to create survey instruments, distribute surveys, store and analyse collected respondent data, and generate report.
- Piktochart - A website that provides a free and subscription based templates and images for infographics and attractive posters, flyers and memos.
Note: not all of the repositories in this system will allow you to deposit data.
List of journals ranked by impact factor in their field. The site provides journal comparisons and lists of journals by subject and ranking.
Easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
Jackson Health System Anesthesiology Residency
AccessMedicine (McGraw-Hill medical books)
ClinicalKey (Elsevier books)
By Impact Factor
(via Journal Citation Reports).
Anesthesiology (TOC via PubMed)
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (TOC via PubMed)
British Journal of Anaesthesia (TOC via PubMed)
European Journal of Pain (TOC via PubMed)
Anesthesia and Analgesia (TOC via PubMed)
Clinical Journal of Pain (TOC via PubMed)
Anaesthesia (TOC via PubMed)
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Annual meeting, research, careers, and clinical information. Information for residents and medical students.
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP)
Health policy, meetings, publications, state societies, CME.
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
Consensus statements, patient education, and publications.
International Association for the Study of Pain
Links to chapters, SIGS, educational materials such as curricula for various healthcare professionals, national and international policy statements, Conferences, terminology, history.
Society of Academic Anesthesiology Associations (SAAA)
SOAP - Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology

The goals of this resource are to:
- Provide a convenient listing of the essential resources and services used in clinical practice and research.
- Show users how to access these essential resources through the Calder Library.
This guide is intended for Internal Medicine residents at the UHealth and Jackson Health Systems. It has information about both on-campus and online resources available to residents.

Access training videos on Calder Library resources and services, as well as basic and advanced searching techniques, citation management, literature reviews and research study design.
Connect to the library through remote access before searching databases and journals, by clicking on the EZ Proxy tab.
- Email: reference@miami.edu
- Phone: 305-243-6648
- Ask a Librarian: https://www.library.miami.edu/calder/ask-a-librarian.html

OBGYN Residents & Fellows Orientation 2024
Jackson Health System Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency
Contemporary OB/GYN the latest news and expert advice in women’s health.
AccessMedicine (McGraw-Hill medical books)
ClinicalKey (Elsevier books)
By Impact Factor
(via Journal Citation Reports).
Obstetrics & Gynecology (Green Journal) (TOC via PubMed)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG, Gray Journal) (TOC via PubMed)
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (TOC via PubMed)
Fertility & Sterility (TOC via PubMed)
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology (TOC via PubMed)
Gynecological Surgery (TOC via PubMed)
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (TOC via PubMed)
Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey (TOC via PubMed)
Slides (PDF):
JHS Residents Library Orientation 2024
Handout (PDF):
Resources for Residents
Access Medicine: Full-Text Textbooks and other clinical resources.
Clinical Key: Search by entering Topic or Browse: Books, Journals, Drug Information, Practice Guidelines, Patient Education, Clinical Overviews/First Consult.
DynaMed: Clinical reference tool for fast, easy access to point-of-care decision support. Updated several times daily to include information on the latest evidence-based research.
Isabel: Clinical decision support system designed to enhance the quality of diagnosis decision making. For a given set of clinical features, instantly provides a checklist of likely diagnoses including bio-terrorism conditions, related diagnoses and causative drugs.
Psychiatry Online provides authoritative, up-to-date information geared toward psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, psychiatric residents, medical students and the general public.
VisualDx is a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety using an extensive medical image library.
UpToDate: Use to find clinical topics are written by committees of experts in the field.
Mobile apps or mobile enabled websites are available for all these resources.
PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is the leading journal and database for systematic reviews in health care. It includes Cochrane Reviews (systematic reviews) and protocols for Cochrane Reviews as well as editorials and supplements.
Embase is a multipurpose biomedical research and literature database. It covers international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day, with access to millions of records from over 8,000 journals and millions of conference abstracts.
CINAHL is a research tool for nursing and allied health professionals.
Ovid/Medline is MEDLINE on the Ovid platform and offers access to the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from biomedicine and life sciences journals in over 40 languages.
PsycINFO is resource for abstracts and citations of behavioral and social science research.
Web of Science is a multidisciplinary platform covering research across the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities from journals, books and conference proceedings.