Research Guides

19th Century African American Female Physicians

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Black Women Physicians A - E

Mary Louise Brown (1868-1927)
Physician, Teacher

Mary Louise was born in 1868 in Baltimore, Maryland to John Mifflin Brown and Mary L. Lewis Brown. Her father was a bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the family frequently moved. Since this was during the time of Reconstruction, she and her eight siblings took advantage of the opportunities being afforded.1

She attended the Normal School for Colored Girls in Washington, D.C. and upon graduation began her teaching career, teaching English. Mary Louise attended Howard University Medical school at night graduating in 1898. In 1899 and 1900, she attended post graduate education at the University of Edinburgh. When she returned to the United States, she opened her practice at 1813 Vermont Avenue in the District of Columbia. Dr. Brown continued teaching and because of her advanced degree, she taught science, which raised her significantly. While teaching she often treated her students for free.

With the outbreak of World War I, Dr. Brown received a commission from the American Red Cross and left for France in 1918 to care for wounded soldiers. Women’s organizations such as the American Medical Women’s Association and National American Woman Suffrage Association lobbied for the commission and military service records. Women received the commission but not the military service records that had been accorded to men. At the time that she received the commission she was one of two Black women to do so, the other was Dr. Harriet Rice (1866-1958).2 While in France, she suffered both racism and the sexism. The sexism from the military and the racism from what the United States government told the French about black people until the French authorities retrieved the information published by the United States.2

Upon her return to the United States, she contued her teaching and medical practice until her sudden death on March 9, 1927.

1 Mary Louise Brown (Accessed July 13, 2021)
2 The untold story of women who risked their lives to do good – and get their rights. Opinion by Kate Clarke Lemay (Access July 13, 2021)


Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler (1831-1895)
Rebecca Davis, was born free in 1831 in Christiana, Delaware but was raised by an aunt in Philadelphia who provided nursing care to people of the neighborhood. By 1852, Rebecca living in Charlestown, Massachusetts, worked as a nurse for eight years when she was admitted to the New England Female Medical College. Graduating in 1864, receiving her Doctress of Medicine, she became the first African-American woman to receive a medical degree and the school’s only black alumna.
Dr. Crumpler's first practice was in Boston but during Reconstruction she moved to Richmond to work with the Freedman’s Bureau and because she felt that it was “a proper field for real missionary work, and one that would present ample opportunities to become acquainted with the diseases of women and children. During my stay there nearly every hour was improved in that sphere of labor. The last quarter of the year 1866, I was enabled… to have access each day to a very large number of the indigent, and others of different classes, in a population of over 30,000 colored.”After marrying, Arthur Crumpler, she had actively stopped practicing medicine. Not totally detached from the field, in 1883, she published “A Book of Medical Discourses’ in which she discussed her desire to become a physician was to relieve the suffering of others.

Dr. Crumpler died on March 9, 1895 in Fairview, Massachusetts.

In honor of her work in 1989, the first medical society for Black women was founded named the Rebecca Lee Society.
1 Kentake Page (Accessed November 20, 2019)
Black Women Physicians F - J
Black Women Physicians K- O
Black Women Physicians P - T

Consuelo Clark Stewart (June 22, 1860-April 17, 1910)
Consuelo Clark was born in 1861 to Peter H. Clark and Frances Ann Williams Clark in Ohio.
She attended the Art Academy and graduated from Boston University Medical School. Upon graduation, in 1884, she became the first African American woman licensed to practice medicine in Ohio.1 Dr. Stewart practiced medicine at Ohio Hospital for Women and Children. The Ohio Hospital served women and children and was entirely staffed by women from the medical staff to the governing board.2
In 1886, she met William R. Stewart, a law student from Pennsylvania. They relocated to Youngtown in 1890, where she established her medical practice, organized the YWCA, and sponsored Youngtown’s first free kindergarten and cared for her mother.3
Consuelo suffered from pernicious anemia most of her life and died on April 10, 1910. Towards the end of life her husband had her committed to the Ohio State Hospital for the Insane at Massillon, she was judged to be insane because she said that her husband had abused her
Her medical practice which centered on immigrant steelworkers and her obituary in the Cleveland Gazette says this:
“The group which gathered around her coffin in her home was truly indicative of the life she had led … Greeks, Slavs, Roumanians, Russians, and Polish Jews gathered around her coffin and the Catholics, crossing themselves, muttered prayers for the repose of the soul that had pitied their sorrows.”5

1America’s First Black Socialist; The Radical Life of Peter H. Clark. University of Kentucky Press, 2013, Nikki Marie Taylor, pg.74
 Colored Conventions: Bringine Nineteenth-Century Black Organizing to Digital Life 
Colored Conventions: Bringing Nineteenth-Century Black Organizing to Digital Life.
4 Ibid
5 Cincinnati Sites & Stories Gravesite of Dr. Consuelo Clark-Stewart - Pioneering physician with a tragic personal story | Cincinnati Sites and Stories (
Black Women Physicians U - Z
About the Traveling Exhibition
Exhibition Travel Schedule 2024

The exhibit is currently scheduled to travel to various places across University of Miami campuses:

Medical Campus:
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center (SCCC): June 11- 28, 2024

Main Campus:
Coming soon!

Past Exhibition Sites:
Medical Campus:
Calder Library: January 24- February 12, 2024
Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (ODICE): 13- 29February 2024
John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics: March 4-15, 2024

Main Campus:
Multicultural Student Affairs: March 18-28, 2024
School of Nursing & Health Studies: April 1-12, 2024
Cox Science Building: April 15- May 10, 2024

Look out for the 19th Century African American Female Physicans Exhibition, coming soon to a location near you!
Host the Exhibit

Would you like to host the 19th Century African American Female Physicians Travelling Exhibition at your location?

For inquiries, please contact Kelsa Bartley at

PDF of Exhibition Images and Resource List
This project would not have been possible without the contributions from our colleagues at the Louis Calder Memorial Library and the wider University of Miami community. Below you will find a list of people who have helped our team to complete this project.
Erica Powell, Calder Library's Metadata and Special Collections Librarian
Erica Powell, MLS, Calder Library's Metadata and Special Collections Librarian who initiated the project and researched all the women in this guide.
Without her dedication and research, this project would not exist. 

Other Acknowledgements
Peter Raposo, graphic designer and Head of Biomedical Communications at Louis Calder Medical Library, who helped with creating, printing, and designing the panels. 

Dr. Barbara M. Sorondo,  Head of Learning, Research, and Clinical Information Services and Dr. Thilani Samarakoon, Biomedical Data Librarian for their helpful feedback in our surveys.

Many thanks to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Mini Grant awarded by Office of Faculty Affairs at the University of Miami for giving us the opportunity to bring this project to life. 

Lastly, we thank both the Louis Calder Memorial  Library and the wider University of Miami Libraries community for their ongoing support. 
Exhibition Project Team
Kelsa Bartley, MIS, AHIP, Librarian Assistant Professor in the Learning, Research, & Clinical Services Department at the Louis Calder Medical Library.

Saily Marrero, MIS, Librarian Assistant Professor in the Learning & Research Services Department at the Otto G. Richter Library.

Jorge Perez, MLIS, AHIP, Librarian Associate Professor in the Learning, Research, & Clinical Services Department at the Louis Calder Medical Library.

JoAnn Van Schaik, MLS, Former Librarian Associate Professor, Collections Librarian, and Executive Director of the Library and Associate Dean for the Health Sciences Services at the Louis Calder Medical Library.
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