John Reynolds
- Reference and Education Librarian
- jxr1327@med.miami.edu
- (305) 243-5439
- Scopus Content Coverage Guide
- How to export document information from Scopus to a Reference Management tool
- How to find an article and citation information using Scopus
- How do I register for Scopus?
- How do I access and manage personalized features within Scopus?
- How do I download multiple documents at one time in Scopus?
- How do I Create a personalized list in Scopus?
- How do I search for peer-reviewed content in Scopus?
- a How do I analyze and understand my Scopus search results quickly and easily?
- A Searching for Authors
- Reviewing Search Results
- Searching for documents
- A Creating ALERTS and using Scopus settings
- a Register and Personalize
- a Manage my author profile
- Get started & get help
- Searching for Cited References
- Reviewing documents
- a Browsing and analyzing journals
- Registering and logging in