The goals of this guide is to list trustworthy drug-related, complimentary and alternative medicine, and patient information resources available freely online and through the Calder Medical Library. This guide is intended for any health professional and patient in need of drug-related resources for their research needs.

Layal Hneiny
- Clinical Research Librarian
- (305) 243-8755
Department of Learning, Research, and Clinical Information Services
- Email:
- Phone: 305-243-6648
- Ask a Librarian:
- AccessMedicine
Include's Harrison's Online and Goodman and Gilman's Pharmacology. McGraw-Hill's is an innovative online resource that provides students, residents, clinicians, and researchers with instant answers to clinical questions from the most trusted sources. Updated daily and expanded continuously, Access Medicine is designed for direct access to the information necessary for completing evaluations, diagnoses, case management decisions, conducting research, medical education, or self-assessment and board review. - ClinicalKey: Drug Monographs
- DynaMed
DynaMed is the next-generation clinical reference tool physicians can rely on for fast, easy access to point-of-care decision support. Written by a team of specialized physicians and researchers, content is updated several times daily to include information on the latest evidence-based research, providing practice-changing answers to clinical questions with optimized speed. - Micromedex
MICROMEDEX is a collection of many different drug databases, including Martindale, the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), DRUGDEX, DISEASEDEX, POSIONDEX, and several alternative medicine databases. - Natural Medicines
Natural Medicines provides unbiased, evidence-based information and ratings on over 90,000 dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary and alternative therapies. - UpToDate
Clinical decision support tool designed to answer clinical questions that arise in daily practice. Subscription database with access for UM/JMH authorized users.
- Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD)
The Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) was developed by the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It catalogs all information printed on labels of dietary supplement products sold in the United States. - MedlinePlus-Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements
Comprehensive information source on drugs, supplements, herbals and medical conditions offered by the National Library of Medicine. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, medical news, and directories of associations are some of the many resources provided to consumers and health care providers. - Drug Database
Find information on FDA-approved HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infection drugs and investigational HIV/AIDS drugs.
- ChemIDplus
ChemIDplus is a free, web search system that provides access to the structure and nomenclature authority files used for the identification of chemical substances cited in National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases. - PubChem
PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Please Note: Access to library subscription databases is automatic on the medical campus of the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital. Remote access is provided via Single Sign-On Authentication with a UM CaneID and password.
- AccessMedicine - Patient Education Handouts
AccessMedicine is an innovative online resource that provides students, residents, clinicians, researchers, and all health professionals with access to more than 50 medical titles from the best minds in medicine, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, a comprehensive search platform, and the ability to download content to a mobile device. Note: real time access is only available on iPhone/iPhone 3G, Google's Android, and BlackBerry. Subscription database for authorized UM/JMH users. - Clinical Key-Patient Education Handouts
Search for diagnoses, conditions, drugs and more. Specialties include allergy and immunology, anesthesia and perioperative care, cardiovascular, dentistry, dermatology, and more, in multiple languages. - UpToDate-Patient Information
UpToDate offers different levels of patient education materials to meet the varying information needs of your patients. The Basics "The Basics" are short (1 to 3 page) articles written in plain language. They answer the 4 or 5 most important questions a person might have about a medical problem. These articles are best for people who want a general overview. The Basics articles are also available in Spanish. "Beyond the Basics" articles are 5 to 10 pages long and more detailed than "The Basics". These articles are best for readers who want a lot of detailed information and who are comfortable with some technical medical terms.
Please Note: These are free resources available to all.
- MedlinePlus-Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements
Comprehensive information source on drugs, supplements, herbals and medical conditions offered by the National Library of Medicine. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, medical news, and directories of associations are some of the many resources provided to consumers and health care providers. - DailyMed
DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs. This information includes FDA labels (package inserts). This Web site provides health information providers and the public with a standard, comprehensive, up-to-date, look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in medication package inserts. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides this as a public service and does not accept advertisements. - Health Library @ Calder Library
Comprehensive coverage of health, wellness and other medical topics in easy-to-understand language accessible to all. Free Calder Library website. - Drug Information Portal
The NLM Drug Information Portal gives users a gateway to selected drug information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and other key U.S. Government agencies. - FDA Drugs: Information for Consumers
FDA site with information for consumers about prescription drugs, generic drugs, over the counter medications (OTC) and dietary supplements, buying and using medicines safely, and other useful topics. Free government website.
- FDA Drugs - in Spanish
This is the FDA Drugs - Information for Consumers in Spanish. Free government website. Gratis. - MedlinePlus en Espanol
Aprenda sobre sus medicamentos de receta y de venta libre. Incluyendo efectos secundarios, dosis, precauciones especiales y mucho más. Hojee información sobre suplementos dietarios y hierbas para aprender sobre su efectividad, dosis e interacciones con otras medicinas. AHFS® Consumer Medication Information provee información sobre centenares de medicinas de receta y venta libre y es propiedad de la American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland. - El Sitios Electronicos Medicos Gratis
Hemos diseñado este portal para facilitar el acceso a la información bibliográfica gratuita en español de mas utilidad a profesionales de la salud, estudiantes de medicina y pacientes. Aunque destaca sitios con información en español actualmente disponibles en la red, aparecen algunos que solo se encuentran en inglés. - Free Books4Doctors (Spanish)
Free Books4Doctors is a database created by Amedeo, an independent service for independent medical education. Subscription is free. Amedeo has been providing independent medical information since 1997. In summer 2012, it served more than 50.000 physicians and scientists around the world. - la Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud (PAHO)
La OPS es la organización internacional especializada en salud pública de las Américas. Trabaja cada dÃa con los paÃses de la región para mejorar y proteger la salud de su población. Los miembros de la organización representan a 48 paÃses y territorios de las Américas. - la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (WHO)
La Organizacion Mundial de la Salud es la autoridad directiva y coordinadora en asuntos de sanidad internacional en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Sus ámbitos de actividad principales son los siguientes: Enfermedades no transmisibles; Enfermedades transmisibles; Preparación, vigilancia y respuesta a las crisis; Promoción de la salud a lo largo del ciclo de vida; Sistemas de salud; y Servicios institucionales.